New study suggests that breastfeeding benefits the mother than the child
Contrary to
the school of thought that the benefit of the relationship between a mother and
a baby in terms of breast feeding is one-sided, new study suggests that the
mother may be a higher benefactor from the relationship.
The study, published online by Maternal and Child Nutrition, found
a notably larger impact of breastfeeding on women's health, compared with
infant health.
Researchers discovered that there were
significantly fewer premature deaths in women who breastfed as
medically recommended compared to those who did not.
The study also reports that 3,340 premature deaths of women
and children in the U.S. annually were connected to "suboptimal
breastfeeding"— less than six months of exclusive breastfeeding. The
majority of those deaths—caused mostly by heart attacks, diabetes, and
sudden infant death syndrome—were maternal.
The study's lead author, Dr. Melissa Bartick, spoke about the
effect of breastfeeding on women's health.
has a bigger impact in terms of medical cost and a bigger impact in terms of
lives saved," Bartick told CommonHealth. "And most of that
impact is derived from encouraging women to breastfeed as long as they can for
each child."
What about women who choose not to breastfeed, or have trouble
breastfeeding? Bartick views this as an opportunity to help all women meet
their breastfeeding goals.
that we see that this is more of a women's health issue, we are taking the fuel
out of the "Mommy Wars," she told CommonHealth. "This
is not about who is a better mother; it's about women being supported to take
care of themselves and about society taking care of women."
Thinking of staying single for life? Ummm…
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