NASA Tech. Able to take 53 BILLION pixel photo used for new ad campaign by Bentley.

San Fransisco's Golden Gate Bridge
Photo © Bentley
The Bentley's new ad campaign has taken a new shape by introducing an awing technology. The technology is able to zoom the distance of around 760 yards, It was originally developed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to allow Mars rover’s to take panoramic images.
It uses 700 individual shots stitched together to create a photo so large that, if printed, it would be the size of a football pitch.

The image was taken by London-based photographer Simon Stock.
A quote on his website said: 'Nothing like this has ever been attempted commercially before and it was an amazing experience and a lot of work for Simon and the whole team. But we are sure you will agree, the results are stunning.'

Photo © Bentley
Have you ever imagined how detailed an image og 53 billion pixels woud be? The image is so detailed you can zoom in so close on a Bentley Mulsanne driving along the road, Also you can see the stitching on the seats.

Bentley Logo
The image is made up of an astonishing 53 billion pixels, and took a whole six days to shoot and three months to produce on a computer.

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